Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives


Participants : Pierre Alliez, Mariette Yvinec, Jean-Daniel Boissonnat.

CGAL-Mesh was a two-year INRIA technological development action started in March 2009. Building upon components from cgal , we have implemented a generic mesh generation framework for 3D domains. We primarily target applications which involve data acquired from the physical world: geology, medicine, 3D cartography and reverse engineering. We wish to establish for the whole duration of the action a close collaboration with industrial and academic partners so as to maximize the impact of the platform for a number of applications and research experiments.

- Starting date: March 2009

- Duration: 2 years

ANR Triangles

Participants : Olivier Devillers, Monique Teillaud.

Web site: http://www.inria.fr/sophia/geometrica/collaborations/triangles/

We lead the Triangles project funded by the anr . The project involves:

  • the «Laboratoire d'InfoRmatique en Image et Systèmes d'information» (LIRIS), Lyon,

  • the «Département d'informatique de l'ENS»

  • the Geometrica team.

Triangulations are essential in many applications, in particular for meshing and shape reconstruction. We want to develop and distribute new results for academic and industrial researchers. The goal of the project is the development of robust and effective algorithms for the manipulation of large sets of points, of moving sets of points and points in non Euclidean spaces such as periodic spaces (torus, cylinder), projective, oriented projective or hyperbolic spaces. The results obtained will be implemented in the cgal library and will be applied to computer vision (visual envelopes, camera calibration), fluid dynamics, astronomy, computer graphics and medical applications.

In the Geometrica team, Triangles is co-funding the scholarship of Pedro de Castro (with «Région PACA») and funding travel expenses and computers. Several meetings have been organized between participants, details can be found on the project's web page.

- Starting date: November 2007

- Duration: 3 years + 6 months prolongation.


Participants : Jean-Daniel Boissonnat, Frédéric Chazal, David Cohen-Steiner, Arijit Ghosh.

The aim of this project is to formalize a collaboration between researchers from computational geometry, machine learning and computer vision to study distortions and in particular Bregman divergences, information theory, statistics, Riemannian geometry, and convex analysis.

The other partners of the project are the Université des Antilles et de la Guyane (R. Nock, coordinator), the Ecole Polytechnique (F. Nielsen) and the Lear project-team (C. Schmid).

- Starting date: November 2007

- Duration: 4 years


Participants : Pierre Alliez, Jean-Daniel Boissonnat, Frédéric Chazal, David Cohen-Steiner, Mariette Yvinec, Steve Oudot, Marc Glisse.

GIGA stands for Geometric Inference and Geometric Approximation. GIGA aims at designing mathematical models and algorithms for analyzing, representing and manipulating discretized versions of continuous shapes without losing their topological and geometric properties. By shapes, we mean sub-manifolds or compact subsets of, possibly high dimensional, Riemannian manifolds. This research project is divided into tasks which have Geometric Inference and Geometric Approximation as a common thread. Shapes can be represented in three ways: a physical representation (known only through measurements), a mathematical representation (abstract and continuous), and a computerized representation (inherently discrete). The GIGA project aims at studying the transitions from one type to the other, as well as the associated discrete data structures.

Some tasks are motivated by problems coming from data analysis, which can be found when studying data sets in high dimensional spaces. They are dedicated to the development of mathematically well-founded models and tools for the robust estimation of topological and geometric properties of data sets sampled around an unknown compact set in Euclidean spaces or around Riemannian manifolds.

Some tasks are motivated by problems coming from data generation, which can be found when studying data sets in lower dimensional spaces (Euclidean spaces of dimension 2 or 3). The proposed research activities aim at leveraging some concepts from computational geometry and harmonic forms to provide novel algorithms for generating discrete data structures either from mathematical representations (possibly deriving from an inference process) or from raw, unprocessed discrete data. We target both isotropic and anisotropic meshes, and simplicial as well as quadrangle and hexahedron meshes.

This project coordinated by Geometrica also involves researchers from the INRIA team-project ABS, CNRS (Grenoble), and a representative from the industry (Dassault Systèmes).

- Starting date: October 2009.

- Duration: 4 years.

DIGITEO Chair C3TTA: Cell Complexes in Computational Topology: Theory and Applications

Participants : Claire Caillerie, Frédéric Chazal, David Cohen-Steiner, Marc Glisse, Steve Oudot, Amit Patel.

The primary purpose of this project is to bring about a close collaboration between the chair holder Dr Vin de Silva and Digiteo teams working on the development of topological and geometric methods in Computer Science. The research program is motivated by problems coming from the increasing need of studying and analyzing the (often huge) data sets that are now available in many scientific and economic domains. Indeed, due to the improvements of measurement devices and data storage tools, the available data about complex shapes or complex systems are growing very fast. These data being often represented as point clouds in high dimensional (or even infinite dimensional) spaces there is a considerable interest in analyzing and processing data in such spaces. Despite the high dimensionality of the ambient space, one often expects them to be located around an unknown, possibly non linear, low dimensional shape. It is then appealing to infer and analyze topological and geometric characteristics of that shape from the data. The hope is that this information will help to process more efficiently the data and to better understand the underlying complex systems from which the data are generated. In the last few years, topological and geometric approaches to obtain such information have encountered an increasing interest. The goal of this project is to bring together the complementary expertises in computational topology and geometry of the involved Digiteo teams and in applied geometry and algebraic topology of V. de Silva to develop new topological approaches to the previous mentioned domain. The project intends to develop both the theoretical and practical sides of this subject. The other partners of the project are the Ecole Polytechnique (L. Castelli-Aleardi and F. Nielsen) and the CEA (E. Goubault).

- Starting date: January 2009.

- Duration: 3 years.